Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What the hell is this Drama?!

Doubting Thomas, which I am to the this spurt of monologue (its not been a dialogue until now, so...) I decided to escalate my questions on life, death and the whole drama in between. I need to warn my readers (if any) that I will have dumb and still dumber questions, because most of the times I ask philosophical questions and don't make any effort to find answers which are already published. Or to put it in a very self supportive way - I believe - philosophical questions are to be answered by the same brain which has asked them ...any reading in that regard will influence the answer adversely! (great attempt to cover myself, hah!)

Questions - I have these with me for quite a long time, but recently certain event took place in my life and that has triggered my thoughts on this subject again...

I work in an IT organization, where my day to day job also involves interacting with multiple people and there is lot of coordination, times you have to review documents and other stuff and give feedback/ correction... The other day was one such normal situation, but due to being busy, I was delayed in performing the regular act of reading, correcting and commenting on a certain document...this thought was there in my mind while going home...decided I will take care of it, the first thing next morning.

Slept in the night, woke up in the morning and realized I had a dream around this subject...(I am not trying to sell that I take my work so seriously and get dreams of the same, no at least my boss will not believe that!) I could remember my dream very vividly - in the dream I was going over that document, reading it to certain detail and making mental notes of my views...nothing abnormal at all... this would have happened to all of us in school, college. In fact for me those were not dreams, they were nightmares and I would wake up in the middle of them and cry...hated books so much!. ... back to current that ready and went to work and in my woken state went over the document. I was shocked...this document was not new to me at was the same I could recollect from my dream! I started getting goose bumps, I couldn't understand what was happening
Part 2 - dated Oct 13, 2008
It took a little more time than I thought for me to come back to our what the hell discussion, the reasons are my thoughts are very scattered around this subject and it possibly would have been easy to deal a sub subject within, but let me continue with the same momentum -

So I was questioning and re-questioning about this life death and all that stuff since I remember like, why is this complex phenomenon of life existing? when even a small needle which comes out a factory has - a why question answered successfully, only after that a series of steps makes that product exist...and while that is true for all the things we can see in this world, except only for the things not done by a human being, we don't know who made and why he/ she made...

We learnt that well read research scientists have reverse engineered a little about life and are able to say life all began with some single celled life bodies and from there things gradually changed to its current shape, size and is marvellous, it looks like journey of 286 computers to current whatever (I am not trying to make it less marvellous, I am truly amazed by the journey of life), but here we very well knew who made a 286, why he made and all that. Only that if in a similar way somebody had not visualised this life's journey, it is highly impossible to imagine - things randomly fell in such a highly logical situation.

I am very much part of this highly complex drama of life...very much, I did not get psyched and ended in a mental asylum of sorts...but truely if I was emotional about this question, I should have been, so, no, I am not being emotional about this question WHY, I am trying to logically understand more...

Even the incident I spoke in the first para's of this article, where I said, I was able to read through a document in my dream, I am fairly certain I will explain that logically, this will be simple compared to other bigger questions -

Earth, human beings, objects are all suspended in a highly charged space, Let me extrapolate from simple things like- how does a TV/ mobile/ radio work at my home; there is some source somewhere and there are configuring instruments which broadcast that content into air, charges in the air carry the information and at the receiving end there are some other configuration equipment at my home, which gathers all this from thin air and displays the images on TV, along with the voice, isn't it amazing?? and I must be mad complaining if the voice and images are broken sometimes!! If this is the communication capacity human beings have identified, and used it in their life's conveniences, life itself, which has conceived and built this infrastructure, is such a huge unknown domain, would have possibly much more here is the analogy - the document which I read in my dream existed at multiple places, in the mind of the person who created it, in our physical infrastructures (i mean computers) and all that and human mind is a huge center of neurons, which are again basic elements of my mind could have connected to the document creators mind and read the document there or maybe (I am not sure) the computers??...I am truly amazed with my TV at home, so I am able to talk about this analogy easily.

So my explanation is - if Radio/ TV/ Telephone, etc are realities, there are much more amazing things possible in communication space through human mind itself...

to be continued further....

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