Tuesday, September 8, 2009

God is a Super Director and our world is his Story!

While answering a question to someone, I hit upon a view point on my favorite subject - God
If one doesn't believe in God! My question is why he/ she doesn't, how can there be no super power, which is making this whole world go around...simple fact which we should agree is nothing can go round, without somebody putting it into an orbit and pressing the start button.
…In this view point, I see God is a Director, like the movie directors on this earth, who are executing their ideas as drama's for us to present case studies of behaviors of a particular character in a particular situation…God is a super director, who is doing something similar…but at a very large scale!!

To lead a good practical life and to be successful at that, it is good that we draw the line between our playground and God's playground and we should not trespass, there is quite a bit to achieve in our playground itself and that is enough...however it gets challenged where ever both the worlds meet – like death of a very close person, whom you don't want to die. What do you do when such a thing happens…For most of the people, when their loved ones are on the death bed and the Doctor says nothing much can be done…they try praying to God! They don't know, if God helps, that is why they don't even re-question God when their prayer fails…common man needs God to live those moments of uncertainty, sorrow!

I do not subscribe to prayers – as I don't know how a character within a drama pray to the director – not to kill another character, because that is what he is intending to do, that is what is his story!

Subhash Nagre cannot pray to Ramgopal Varma, not to kill Shankar in Sarkar Raj! Can he…??

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