Friday, June 26, 2009

Rare Talents

I am deeply sorrowed by the death of Michael Jackson...I am not so much of a music fan...did not hear so much of him or from the place and country I come...I didn't have the privilege of watching him dance, not so much...but the images in my mind (memories) about him had placed him in my heart.

During the last few years...its been a constant looking forward for me to see when he comes back from the mess he is into and starts doing what he is good at. Well it looked like he was just about to make a u-turn...when his shocking end has come!

Michael Jackson and may be few or many others who are extremely talented and a rare commodity and screwed up in life; were they not able to handle that success?...they just messed it up. It was like the whole talent was useless!!

One theory is for these rare commodity persons...he (she) himself is not rare...he is actually the most common person for his self, so he will not view it in any special way; and in fact he knows his weaknesses more closely and hence detests the celebrity status. But none the less he had one talent which world liked to preserve, which rest of them didnt have, so he should have cared more?

Let me elaborate my theory...talent and management of talent are kind of 2 separate entities. Say if some commoner becomes very successful in life because of his talents and he is talking to his car driver one day ..."boy, do you know something, it is just that God has been kind and I have been lucky also that I am sitting behind in this limo and you are could have aswell just been the opposite!!" Sincerely he is in his all humility sympathsing with the driver, but this is the nature and these are the people who fail in the celebrity or successful state. The rest of the crowd who are not so successful will get into your space and kick you out of there...Not that either of them intended to harm the other, but that is what will happen.
When you the achiever of the status didn't have the sacred feeling of that status or place or of the people whom you are letting them into will definitely not have and they will dirty the place as well as bring you down to comman man status.

So, by management of talented situation, I mean, if you don't have special respect for your self being achieved that status (which subtly means you differentiate with the rest of the people who did not make it to the top), you are bound to loose that status. You need not be hard on others who did not make it there, but you have to have that regard for your need not be egoist, but you need recognize that you are good; you can give credit to God for what you have been, but you need also give credit to yourself!

May his soul rest in peace!

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