Thursday, August 13, 2009

More About Movies

Ramu - Continuing my monologue on a concept called movies (in my own limited knowledge perspective)...

A movie as I discussed earlier, then it all again starts with a thought or a series of thoughts in ones mind...incase we have like minded people around us we will narate and discuss those thoughts and one thing leads to another and we would have conversed for considerable amount of time and dwelt into so many dimensions of a hypothetical situation, at the end of it one derives a certain kind of kick gives the pleasure of becoming aware of certain new dimensions of life

we used to be 5 friends and two of them were always wonder what a terrible waste of time guys we were...when nights are passed and ash trays are filled over conversations...but that is them for them and we for we or each I for an I...

mind and bar table...While this is where it end with most of us, there will be some people, who will have extra passion (kujli) to go further, make a story - either in a form of writing or more popularly an audio visual medium (because writing is more tedious, people talk about grammar, writing ethics, etc...who the hell have read wrenin martin!)...intention of furthering the communication is not that there was a great moral in the story and want to let the world know about it...interest is only in the process of communication; you see what happened on the bar table was a thrill, imagine what could be the thrill factor to make a full 9 yards movie out of it!! immense!!...but leave it, most of us don't get there, at least not me!...
So one few like Ramu will go ahead and create a screenplay...that itself will give another huge kick...and then devices the scenes and sets and actors and locations and heroines and what not...whooww..all this is definitely more than a kick it is an orgasm! Well he obviously needs to find his own money to finance or find a bakara (by bakara I don't mean he will be duped, just used that word for low value necessary attachment), he will be fully aware of what he is funding and he can do whatever he wants to sell this product...even if that means hanging a mannequin in front of theaters...! who cares! at least Ramu shouldn't care even if they are using his face for the mannequin!
In all this narration, in the mind of story communicator or director or movie maker whatever you call...spectators are not discussed, need not be because it is not about them it is all about the story teller and the story! spectators have only discovered that they can have certain kick by watching what they could be a shakeela movie or steven speilberg master piece or multiple any others'...
Sachin Tendulkar plays cricket with certain expertise...he hits a beautiful six, his thrill and pleasure is from the way he could effect that stroke so successfully; spectators 'millions in number' will jump at that; India wins a match; surprisingly I am able to see all these as disparate worldly happenings.
So to sum it up in any particular worldly cause and effect situation...everybody have their own interests...nobody is doing anything for anybody else...or if we break it down that way - there is nothing in this world which anybody does anything for anybody other than themselves!
Movie Reviews: What the hell is that - first of all it is not a gold or a diamond or steel which have some tangible properties which can be certified and this drama of review is all bullshit, Let us retrace the basic premise - I as a movie maker will make what I want to make...I don't care about public; the same ' I' as a spectator, will have deep inside me defining my pleasure points (known only to me) and will watch what I want to watch, I don't care about the movie it is such a joke that somebody inbetwen these both want to have his stake.
Infact just now thinking I will say there can be a purpose - in a way they can outline the story (in the best of their abilities, not with high funda english but by simply telling what they saw), not making opinions, because that doesn't have any meaning...and I will then watch a movie to see the journey of the story, to experience it; this is true even with suspense themes...what the hell, I can watch Sixth Sense again even though I know Bruce Wills is a ghost...!

Sachin hit 6 sixes in a match is story telling, explaining all the nuances which Ravi Shastri does is bullshit...that should be best left to public, they will enjoy if they have that defined in them as thrill ! can Ravi Shashtri affect Sachin playing cricket, does he enhance public enjoying that stroke above and beyond what Sachin has done??

1 comment:

kalyan1134 said...


Loved reading your blogs , very interesting .

On this one particularly, for a second get into the "reviewer" or Ravi Shastri's skin . It is the "I" in the reviewer or Shastri who is trying to tell "his" opinion or "his" day at the movie to others for his own kick . They have their Bukra's (in the same sense which you have defined earlier) website guys, news papers or other media just like a director has and you have your blog .

we can choose to read (doesnt mean trust) or ignore just like you do with anything else.

Hope you are getting my point , I am just trying to figure out why cant the same logic apply to everybody on the planet without prejudice and a convinient POV's which we as individuals take .


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