Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Expected Death!

Death is inevitable, everybody knows...but we all are able to lead life normally because we dont know when do we die. But for some fortunate or unfortunate (however way you want to look at it) a doctor might tell you are in your last stage of 'so and so' desease and you will not survive more than 3 months!

What will happen to that person?

It is too hypothetical to answer, but then within that paradiagm, if I have to think, I would only feel liberated! I may be doing thousands of interesting things, but that is ok, anyway you knew that there would be this day coming, it could have been today also, or few years later, how does it matter. And at any stage I would still be in the middle of something interesting, Now with this scheduled death, I can actually plan and do those few things I want to do 'for sure', and I pity others who do not have that option!

Say for example
  • I always wanted to take a long leave and go on some personal journey, I couldn't do that, because I was scared of loosing the job, now I don't need to do, because I don't need a job at all! Hurray!
  • I couldn't also do that because I couldn't leave my family for that long a time! now I don't need to worry, because anyway I going to leave them in a couple of months.
  • Somebody couldn't say 'I Love You' to somebody else, because he/ she was scared of rejection and actually that only meant that how will you relate to that person after the point of rejection? Now you don't need to bother about that, because anyway you will not see that person at after 3 months.
There can be many more such things...none actually come up to making your life miserable. The only one which can be negative and that too more for the people around you and not to you so much is...they will miss you. But like they say 'smashana vairagyam' it will soon pass away! We all have seen our loved ones die in our lives, it is scary but we lived past it always!

I never can ride a 'roller coaster', I am dead scared...but when pushed into it I will come out of it in few minutes and then it is ok...there is no roller coaster which will run past few moments! Even this death of your loved a timed roller coaster ride itself, we will come out of it.

When there are so many benefits. Still it is considered dreadful to know that you will die in say 3 months. Why?

We have to shake up our foundations and re align our emotions towards being happy...currently we are only happy (momentarily only) when there is nothing to be sad about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not really can agree with your perceptions on enjoying the death days. generally the moment we hear the word death, the very same word we have been living to not hear, then the evolution of dilution in every sense starts ascending and naturally causing a sense of dying early than what has the doctor said as death day. you are definately not in a mood to enjoy the so called death days and invite the death in its own form...

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