Thursday, October 22, 2009

Eating and not eating Meat...

One more core question to me...I am a glutton when it comes to eating food, I can even say I live because I like eating!!...but I have not eaten meat...that is may be because of my upbringing, family or whatever during early days...but even after I became independent in thought, I couldn't cross over...

...I crossed over many times in my life, I mean I used to do/ say a certain thing in the past and later point of life I said or did the exact opposite...this was because I realized those subjects differently, life made me realize that. In this meat core value to not eat meat is that...normally we don't cause pain or suffering to anybody in our life leave alone killing...or at least try not to, am I right? I need to answer this question 'oppositely' for me to start eating meat.

Now why I am so much talking about myself is to present a question...

There are some comfort giving postulates by meat eaters...basically those animals are there to be eaten; if you don't eat those animals, then there will be imbalance in the ecosystem; are not plants having life, if yes then even that is as good as eating meat; blah blah! (These dont come near to satisfy my above 'core value'. if it did possibly I would have eaten meat and satisfied my eating pleasures further).
Now the question -
Just talking about this ecosystem...the human population is growing will it happen in 100 or 200 years, to maintain the will start eating human meat?!

Dont tell me this is happening in Amazon jungles...I am saying will Mc Donald start serving Human finger fries along with french fries :-)


Unknown said...

REgarding eating meat,main reason lies in weather.In cold countries like Amreica and Russiaand otherthere is only meat available for them .They cannt be vegetarian because they are not able to produce vegetables,may be not now ,there is plenty of methods now to stoer .Naturally as you write they became non vegas their family bring up.I heard from some of my Indian friends who setteled in 60, they had no choice but to accept what is available Vaidehi

Anonymous said...

Eating or not eating meat is again an eternal question which elite of the humankind has confronted. You talk to the commoner, for him there is no dilemma at all. Because for him eating meat is kind of a occasion of 'festival'. Man when he was in the wild, there was no other alternative; but to eat meat. All our forefathers ate meat. Even today many of the so called 'Brahman' castes eat meat/fish (traditionally). So to differentiate that only 'low' caste people meaning un-cultured people eat meat (in India) is wrong. Do you believe that all vegetarians are not cruel to animals? Not at all. As you said, the eating /non eating is because of 'our' upbringing and not because of any careful thinking that we do before deciding on our food. It is only an afterthought/explanation that we try to give for our decisions. I donot give anything more to that.


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